Grand finale with Fareed
Mamadou – World Music Unleashed 2015
Tony Monaco – World Music Unleashed 2017
Summer Instrumental Workshop 2016
Instrumental Workshop 2016 – Langoria
Workshop with Steve Smith 2016
Liam Teage
Juean Miguel
African flavor with Abou & Abboss
Bramaya Abou group – World Music Unleashed 2015
The inaugural World Music Unleashed was held in 2011 with a two part purposes: to serve as a fundraiser for SIPM operations; and to provide interested music lovers exposure to an ensemble of great musicians sharing different flavors of the world music genre. With the success of the first event, Gourisankar decided to make WMU an annual event and it has been opened up to include singers and dancers to the line-up.
WMU 2011, percussion ensemble extraordinaire
WMU 2013, Dougla
WMU 2013, fun “call and response”
WMU 2011, Afalance perfomance